Welcome to my Supervision page
Good healthy Supervision is key to successful, supported, reflective and fulfilling therapy work!
We offer so much of ourselves, as therapists to our clients, and supervision is not only a time to reflect on this work, but to feel understood, supported, nourished, guided and encouraged in our work. I believe we all need to be championed.
As your supervisor, alongside exploring your client work, your practice, your hopes, dreams and goals as a therapist, I will champion you whilst challenging you to grow and develop with confidence. I will encourage you to recognise what you do know and where your learning gaps lie. I will check in on your own well-being and care whether you are engaging in enough self-care so that you are in a good enough place to be present for your clients. Despite this I am very conscious of the difference between supervision and therapy and will ensure that our focus remains on your work with your clients and their best interests.
About my Supervision Practice:
I am a qualified integrative clinical supervisor with a leaning towards working in a psychodynamic and a person-centred way whilst embracing numerous other approaches, such as TA, to support you and help you explore your and your clients’ needs in your practice. My psychodynamic leaning comes from a belief that our response to current struggles emanate from habitual patterns of response developed in our past and that our life script impacts on who we are in the world even when many of our needs may (or may not) have been met in childhood. My person-centred approach stems from my recognition of the importance of working in the present and because it is important to me that you feel safe to share your therapeutic wins and struggles without fear or shame.
I offer online supervision only, working with fully qualified therapists at all levels. I also offer supervisory supervision for supervisors. Please note that regretfully I do not work with student/trainee therapists.
I love working online and will help you appreciate and enjoy online work, which I find offers many positives without compromising the working alliance. I believe supervision is not simply case-management but a collaborative approach, with supervisor & supervisee focussed on the client’s best interests by developing a greater understanding of the client’s concerns and deepening the client/supervisee’s relationship while developing ways of working with them. This includes supporting the supervisee in a safe, encouraging supervisor-supervisee relationship where the supervisee feels able to explore their work and make autonomous decisions openly & honestly. I hope, if you feel you aren’t receiving what you need, you will feel able to discuss this with me so we can adapt our work accordingly.
My Supervision Qualification:
I completed my Certificate in Integrative Supervision training through an organisation called Creative Counsellors and am trained to work integratively, using creative interventions should that be of interest to you, but not essential, should you choose to work with me. I tend to use a light touch in my creative interventions, based predominantly on cognitive creativity.
My Aims for Supervision:
I aim to provide a warm, professional, attentive and supportive climate within which supervisees can develop new ways for managing themselves and their work with greater satisfaction and effectiveness. I see Supervision as a forum for safely exploring personal/professional issues which impact on them and their client work by:
- Considering responsibility of standards and ethics. i.e. Ethical requirement of BACP, NCPS, UKCP and other organisations.
- Sharing the responsibility for the professional development of the supervisee's skills, knowledge and understanding in a way that the supervisee can understand and absorb.
- Offering the supervisee constructive feedback, challenge, support and a safe place 'for discharging and recharging batteries' (Inskipp & Proctor, 1989).
My Theoretical Framework:
I work integratively using the CRAFTS MODEL OF SUPERVISION which encompasses two well-known and respected models of supervision: Hawkins & Sohet's Seven-Eyed Model of Supervision and Proctor's Clinical Model of Supervision whilst adding CREATIVITY into the mix.
CRAFT stands for:
Creativity: I integrate creative methods into my supervision process to encourage alternative, holistic thinking at depth and exploring new perspectives using imagery, metaphor, symbolism, colours and other imaginative methods to enhance the therapeutic supervisory experience. Whilst this is not essential if creativity isnt your thing, we can usually find aspects of the creativity that do resonate with you. Together we can explore your client work at a deeper level, making the unconscious aspects conscious.
Reflection: I encourage reflective and reflexive practice during and between our supervision sessions. In our sessions we will reflect on what went well and what could have gone better; what your understanding of the situation is and what you can't quite put your finger on; where your empathy lies and where your transference/countertransference gets in the way. We will explore your thoughts, feelings and reactions to client dynamics utilising Proctor's Model's focus on self-awareness and personal development. Together, we will examine the impact of the work on you, ensuring you receive the necessary psychological and emotional support scaffolding required to facilitate you with this.
Awareness: My aim is to work together to increase awareness within supervision, in alignment with the Seven-Eyed Model, through exploring aspects of self, parallel processes, transference and countertransference, projection and projective identification. Our work will hold in mind the various aspects of the work, including client's feelings, your responses, the relationship dynamics and the broader systemic influences. We will address ethical and legal aspects where needed.
Focussed: We will collaborate on an agenda to focus the sessions and if necessary, bring sessions back to the client work/identify areas of development and explore personal bias and beliefs. I will support you to recognise any defence mechanisms and offer constructive feedback and challenges when appropriate. Supervision will remain goal-orientated and purposeful, ensuring that we both focus on the main goal; making sure that the clients are receiving the best care possible, in addition to supporting your development, learning and ability to handle tough situations.
Transformative: My aim is for supervision to be transformative for both you as the supervisee and for your client work. We will identify the transformative/key takeaways/learnings and look at developing best practice and maintaining professional standards while highlighting the potential for personal and professional transformation through the supervisory process. I hope to foster your autonomy, increase personal growth, skills development and positive change as a means to creating positive therapeutic change for clients through our supervisory process.
Systemic: We will highlight and acknowledge the interconnectedness of individuals and their surrounding environments, aligning with the systemic perspective in the Seven-Eyed Model. Together we will explore the wider context, including but not exclusively, the social dynamics, ghosts, stake-holders and various cultural influences that impact the therapeutic process.
This integrated model approach aims to provide not only reflective, educational and culturally sensitive supervision but also a compassionate space that acknowledges the humanity in both your professional and personal experiences and offers a bespoke approach to supervision.